Sunday, April 27, 2008


Top o'the mornin' t'all you fine folk - canine and human alike.  Thought I would take just a wee bit o'tyme. and share some of the goings on in the O'Pearce house hold .  First of all - well yes laddy, of course I'm from florida, but my ancestors came by way of boat from the emerald isle - and I'm as Irish as they come - so d'n't be spreading any more of your jealous rumors regarding me.  Afterall, I dinna complain aboot your being from Scotland, Mr. Bomber Fitzpatrick MacDougal MacNair Wilson MacGregor! (And I won't embarris you by sharing Mommy's pet name for you - Boo Boo - it's just between you and me, right?  Right.) 
We have been getting to know this fine family and our new home.  We've taken to playing, especially anywhere we feel up to it.  Our favorite play spots are the living room and the backyard.  I canna quite get up to full speed in the living room, but in the backyard, aye, now there's a place for this lass to shine!  Bomber romps like a big male lion - as if he's ready to pounce on me and swallow me whole.  I run circles around him.  (Bomber pines in:  First of all - I let her run circles around me - have to wear this wee pup out a bit - and Second - I could swallow her whole - but I think she'd just continue to play in my tummy and then make me gassy!)
I heard mommy and daddy talking, and I could use some reader's help.  You see, I have a B E A utiful face!  Black with a thin white blaze running from just above my wee little nose, up between my B E A utiful brown eyes, on up to my wee forehead.  Daddy says that this is my "stubborn streak", and I canna figure out just what exactly does that mean?
Anyway - we love it here and the humans love us too - hope it's as grand where you are too!  Hope to see some of you on the leash soon!! 


genji said...

Glad that the kids are getting along. Can't tell us about all the fun they're having in the backyard without pictures :)

Abigail O'Pearce - Greyhound Lass said...

hey gyeong, deirdra and i will work on the pictures - these two have some built-in awareness regarding the camera - they can be doing the most awesome things, and as soon as we lift the camera, they instantly stop, and look at us with the, "what, who, i don't know what you think you saw, but i wasn't part of it". we'll have to get sneakier! see you guys soon