Friday, April 4, 2008

One week complete!

Ahhhhhhh...please be patient...mmmmmmmmhhh...I'm still not done stretching yet this morning.  Just a wee note to start the day - t'will be more later to be sure, as we approach my one week anniversary with my new family.  We're all excited, my humans and I, since some of the "kids" will be visiting tonight - more humans to train how to play properly!  I will have to nap extra long today in preparation!  Please, have a restful day, one and all...because, I will!


genji said...

Your napping must be contagious. Got 5 greyhounds sacked out on the couch and dog beds right now. My guys are resting up for the Meet 'n Greet. See you there.

Abigail O'Pearce - Greyhound Lass said...

Yes, napping is contagious - and I hope there's no cure!! If I could only type in my sleep...but life here is grand - eat, blog and sleep, eat, blog and sleep. I too am looking forward to the meet and greet - we will see you and your gang there!