Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sweet Dreams...

It's hard to hold my eyelids up - but I'll try to finish this final post of the day.  I'm currently lying stretched out on the floor in the people-box room (a curious place where these humans watch other tiny humans trapped in a box - looks inhumane if you ask me...).  The very nice, sweet, smiling human lady is also lying on the floor, talking to me - something about being so glad I'm here and how much healing energy I've brought into this home.  I like it that she recognizes my energy - she has some too - I think we, this family and I, will love and heal each other.  Afterall, isn't that what a family's supposed to do?  Sweet dreams,  one and all.


Anonymous said...

aw, someone is in lerve.

emilygail said...

people box room...
oh that cracked me up abby!