Sunday, April 6, 2008

Oh, Brother...and other musings...

What a lovely stay inside that is - a fine Spring day, cool, w' a bit o' wind, and rain - and afterall - I'm a wee bit tuckered out after all of the hoopla yesterday!  First, I met me brother - a fine strapping lad name-o' Bomber.   "Hello, nice to make your aquaintance - hope to see you again another time, soon perhaps...........WHAT - you're staying at MY place???!!!"  Hmmmm...seems my humans neglected to tell me we were having company.   This changes everything.   Think, think, think!!!  So this big guy comes to my house, and nuzzles my humans, explores my backyard, drinks out o' me own dear water bowl...goes up and down, up and down, up and down the steps without hesitation (show-off) - and...............WAGS HIS TAIL AT THEM!!!   I may have to reconsider my "hard to get attitude".
After a brief visit home, the nice, sweet, human lady (Deirdra) takes us out to a delightful Meet and Greet  (I thought she said, MEAT and Greet...) - oh well, I had the time o'me life.  Every one thought I was so tiny and cute, and I gave out many kisses.   Deirdra had a fantastic time, so I am sure we're to be regulars at these get-togethers.
Finally, we came home, exhausted, and I decided to make peace with me brother - let bygones be bygones so to speak.  We were too tired to do otherwise.  And so, today, we are napping, dreaming about warm, sunny days, and  learning to share beds, toys, and humans.   See you all soon!  

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