Sunday, March 30, 2008

Human Pack Adoption - Day 2

'Tis another fine day here in Virginia - chilly outside, but warm and cozy in my new home.  These humans will take some getting used to - they have peculiar habits - but they appear to be trainable.  I must admit that I have grown quite fond of them in just a single day and night.  They have intuitively placed thick fluffy beds at a number of locations throughout the home - I sense that they might be reading my thoughts - and it's not that I'm fixated on beds or sleeping for that matter - but I do appreciate their willingness to let me nap-at-will.  I have bed in their sleep room, another in their people-box room, and yet another in a place they aptley call their den - they hang out in the den a lot - a  typical human pack behavior I suppose.  The younger humans seem to be addicted to that people-box - I will remain suspicious of that monstrosity till sufficient evidence proves my fears to be unwarranted.  On the subject of "suspicious" - these humans have trust issues.  They needed to leave the home today - who knows why - and while they were gone - I was invited (tricked mind you) into a wire crate!  They used chicken jerky snacks to lure me in, and before I knew it - they had quiet-as-a-church-mouse - latched me in.  They returned a short time later to find me pacing and panting (what would you do if you were locked up without due process? ).  They let me out , showered me with affection, and all is forgiven - for now.  It wasn't really all that bad - but this lass has had a taste of freedom - and - I like it!  I hear one of my beds calling to me - 'tis such a glorious, sweet serenade!  A napping I will go...

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